Why Learn Web Design and Development?


The ability to create websites and publish web content is a useful digital hack today. You could use it to start your own blog, start an online business or side hustle, share valuable information online, get a job to maintain websites or create content, or even design a website for a friend. It can also serve as a launchpad for a career in the tech ecosystem that is related to websites, such as cloud services.

This course from Aslan is especially suited for high school graduates who want to explore the world of web design. It will give you enough knowledge to make a website such as this one, and give you a base from where you can venture into more advanced web design and development skills.

The course does not promise to make you a wizard in web development. Like any good skill, it takes time and practice to become an expert. But how can you become an expert when you do not know where to start? This course will give you the basics information and proper hands-on skills to build a website using WordPress and other popular website builders.

About the Course

No code web development course introduces one to web hosting, content development and web design using WordPress and other popular website builder tools. One does not need to have coding skills to do the course.

Duration: 1 week
Cost: KShs 4999 (inclusiv of VAT)


~ Access to the internet, as the course is offered online.

~ Access to a computer.

~ Basic computer literacy.

~ Availability for the one week period.

~ Interest in the field and passion to learn.

Desired Outcomes

After going through the course, the learner should be able to develop simple to complex websites, such as this one.
The learner should also get to understand various opportunities where they can use and grow their skills.

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Register for the course

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Meet the Instructors


Jacob Mugendi

Jacob Mugendi


Jacob is an ICT consultant with Aslan Afrika Limited

Dennis Baru

Dennis Baru

Lead Instructor

Dennis Baru is a web developer at Wise Ways Media.

Simon Mugetha

Simon Mugetha

Instructional Designer

Simon is a system administrator and support staff at Truehost Cloud

Web Training Course FAQ

The full cost for the course is KShs 4,999, which is a subsidized cost for form four leavers.
The course will be offered online via Zoom, on select dates. One needs to have a computer and an access to the internet.
While this current edition targets form four leavers in Kenya, anyone who has the time and interest is welcome to join. Kindly note that the course requires one to be available for the full period of one week.
The course takes one week. The daily schedule includes 3 - 4 hours of online teaching and demonstration, and another similar time doing guided practical work.
Due to Covid-19, we are no longer offering this course physically. One will need to have an access to the internet to participate in the training.
There are limited sponsorship opportunities based on first come first served. Talk to us if you are interested.
Domain names, web hosting, emails, content management systems, WordPress, SSL certificates, WordPress customization, content creation, search engine optimization, plugins... etc.
No. This course teaches one to create a no code website. One can opt to learn some programing skill if they wan to venture further into making complex websites.
No. This course seeks to impart practical skills, and the key mark of success will be the ability to use the skill to create a website or a blog.

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